Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
BHSQ recognises that candidates may have gained knowledge, understanding and skills from prior learning or experience that is relevant to their intended qualification. The RPL process enables BHSQ Approved Centres to recognise prior learning for entry to a qualification, often where a prospective candidate does not meet the standard entry requirements (pre-requisites).
BHSQ recognises prior learning can be evidenced in a variety of ways:
- Certificated learning (RPCL) – recognised pre-requisites for entry other than those awarded by BHSQ
- Experiential learning (RPEL) – evidence is provided by that they are working at the level required by the qualification.
The BHSQ Approved Centre will have a policy and application process for RPL and provide further information to the candidate.
Examples of approved pathways for entry include:
- Pony Club tests
- Work Based Diplomas
- Scottish Vocational Qualifications.
To find out more about RPL for the qualification you are interested in, please contact the training provider who delivers your training and/or assessment.